
Ba Mabo;
Ala cabipa nganshi pali aya amasanso twaumfwa.Ala mwandine tuli naimwe pamo no lupwa lwenu lonse; eelyo naifwe bene imitima yesu ilifye iya cililishi.
Lesa abenaimwe pali kano kashita;MHSRIEP!


Samuel Ngosa Chabuka | Manager-Manda Hill Branch

General Line: +260 211255524 | +260 211 255525 | Ext: 14 | Mobile: +26 0977 418171 Email: | Web:

Description: ZANACO%20LOGO%20IN%20WORD[1] Best Bank in Zambia 2011 Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\mwangala.palale\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\6BBN1W42\euro logo (3).jpg

From: [] On Behalf Of mabo mwila []
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2012 2:22 PM
To: cbu-business-class-1994; BaLubushi
Subject: [cbu-1994-class] Funeral Notice

 I lost my father-in- law, Mr Horace Lubinda Sishekanu whose veins raptured and died of bleeding in Chingola yesterday...Burial is on Saturday 7th January 2012 at Chingola Central Cemetery...Funeral is at 49 Kanjala Road ,Riverside ,Chingola...



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