--- On Thu, 11/3/11, BRENDAH MUSONDA <munungakel@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: From: BRENDAH MUSONDA <munungakel@yahoo.co.uk> Subject: Fw: RE: Name it and claim it To: "bchandalamba65@live.com" <bchandalamba65@live.com>, "Borniface Nalishiwa" <showa1282@yahoo.com>, "Bradford Malumbe" <bumalumbe@yahoo.com>, "charles sikota" <csikota1@yahoo.com>, "christine nyambe" <xtinenyambe@yahoo.com>, "clara Phiri" <cmalumbe2002@yahoo.com>, "David katebe" <dkatebe@yahoo.com>, "Grace Kalungu" <marybegrace@yahoo.com>, "Jane mutale" <landjmutale@inspire.net.nz>, "junior dzoma" <junnydz@yahoo.com>, "kelvin musonda" <kelbra1964@yahoo.com>, "L Maguswi" <mlovete@yahoo.com>, "Manfred Wahl-Fan von B.B. & The Blues Shacks" <info@manfred-wahl.de>, "mary azilah" <esenam2003@yahoo.com>, "melvin kasontobwa" <melkasontobwa@yahoo.co.uk>, "Namatama Chinyama" <nsakabilo@yahoo.com>, "natengenesha@yahoo.com" <natengenesha@yahoo.com>, "Pemba Kalwani" <PembaKalwani19@yahoo.com>, "phylveeb@yahoo.com" <phylveeb@yahoo.com>, "sara sikota" <gomasikota@yahoo.com>, "Sharon Mwelwa" <Tasila2009@gmail.com>, "tricia71@web.de" <tricia71@web.de>, "shachi nkatiko" <shachicnkatiko@hotmail.com> Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011, 11:17 PM
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Bradford Malumbe <bumalumbe@yahoo.com> To: Adoniya Sakala <adoniya2005@yahoo.com>; Alfred J Lungu <chilupe@zamnet.zm>; Augustine Seyuba <augustine.seyuba@gmail.com>; Audrey Mwanyungwi <mwanyung@zamnet.zm>; Elizabeth Shikoswe Hougsnes <kamwalelizabeti@yahoo.no>; Lubinda Simushi <simushilubindav@yahoo.com>; Virginia Simushi <vsimushi@yahoo.co.uk>; Victor Bosco Kapopo <victorkapopo@yahoo.co.uk>; Phyllis Janis Mwaanga <phylveeb@yahoo.com>; Charity Gondwe <rumphiclean@zamtel.zm>; Clara Malumbe <cmalumbe2002@yahoo.com>; Collins K Simushi <gleco@zamtel.zm>; Makalo Mwanza <kaloza81@yahoo.com>; Xenephone Vlahakis <xenzen_1948@yahoo.co.uk>; Zacharia Shanungu <zshanungu@gmail.com>; James Matale <jmatale@iconnect.zm>; Brendah Kasontobwa Musonda <Munungakel@yahoo.co.uk>; Munyimba Munyimba <nanzhila@gmail.com>; Flora Malumbe <fmalumbe@yahoo.com>; Henry Ngulube <fairface@zamtel.zm>; Kelvin Malumbe <kmalumbe@yahoo.com>; Rosewin Mutinta Wandi <mutintarw@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, 3 November 2011, 20:08 Subject: Fw: RE: Name it and claim it
--- On Thu, 11/3/11, Lubinda Simushi <simushilubindav@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Lubinda Simushi <simushilubindav@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: Name it and claim it To: "Alaisa Skelton" <alaisa@aiu.edu>, "Anicet Setako" <seetaako@yahoo.fr>, "brain.chirwa807@gmail.com" <brain.chirwa807@gmail.com>, "bumalumbe@yahoo.com" <bumalumbe@yahoo.com>, "cainsimachenya@yahoo.co.uk" <cainsimachenya@yahoo.co.uk>, "Caroline Simushi" <chipangoznc@gmail.com>, "chisikaala@yahoo.co.uk" <chisikaala@yahoo.co.uk>, "chuzuscholastica@yahoo.com" <chuzuscholastica@yahoo.com>, "cmalumbe2002@yahoo.com" <cmalumbe2002@yahoo.com>, "collinssimushi@yahoo.com" <collinssimushi@yahoo.com>, "csimushi@yahoo.co.uk" <csimushi@yahoo.co.uk>, "csimushi@yahoo.com" <csimushi@yahoo.com>, "day_ton@yahoo.com" <day_ton@yahoo.com>, "editorial@post.co.zm" <editorial@post.co.zm>, "elizanyirenda22@yahoo.com" <elizanyirenda22@yahoo.com>, "Ferdinand Mulubisha" <mulubishafm@yahoo.com>, "ffaith_22@yahoo.com" <ffaith_22@yahoo.com>, "fmalumbe@yahoo.com" <fmalumbe@yahoo.com>, "hcphiri@seed.org.zm" <hcphiri@seed.org.zm>, "jkeaney@yahoo.com" <jkeaney@yahoo.com>, "kachizamatembo@gmail.com" <kachizamatembo@gmail.com>, "kalumbiterrel@yahoo.com" <kalumbiterrel@yahoo.com>, "leomukosha@gmail.com" <leomukosha@gmail.com>, "mimicherub@yahoo.com" <mimicherub@yahoo.com>, "mutintamap@gmail.com" <mutintamap@gmail.com>, "muyadia@yahoo.com" <muyadia@yahoo.com>, "nalungwanasimushi@yahoo.co.uk" <nalungwanasimushi@yahoo.co.uk>, "nalungwanasimushi@yahoo.com" <nalungwanasimushi@yahoo.com>, "nashnyau@yahoo.com" <nashnyau@yahoo.com>, "nathankatongo@yahoo.com" <nathankatongo@yahoo.com>, "nkaliminwa@yahoo.co.uk" <nkaliminwa@yahoo.co.uk>, "nsimushi@yahoo.com" <nsimushi@yahoo.com>, "patrick_chewe@yahoo.com" <patrick_chewe@yahoo.com>, "rumphiclean@zamtel.zm" <rumphiclean@zamtel.zm>, "simushi@linknet.co.zm" <simushi@linknet.co.zm>, "simushi@un.org" <simushi@un.org>, "simushi@zambia.co.zm" <simushi@zambia.co.zm>, "simushinalu@yahoo.co.uk" <simushinalu@yahoo.co.uk>, "vsimushi@yahoo.co.uk" <vsimushi@yahoo.co.uk>, "willischipango@yahoo.com" <willischipango@yahoo.com> Date: Thursday, November 3, 2011, 11:14 AM
BE BLESSED Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set us free! Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the devil has stolen: ****Emotional Health ****Physical Health ****Finances ****Relationships ****Children **** Jobs ****Homes ****Marriages I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised against us in the NAME OF JESUS. And I declare: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank You that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations: ****our households are blessed; **** our health is blessed; **** our marriages are blessed; **** our finances are blessed; **** our relationships are blessed; **** our businesses are blessed; **** our jobs are blessed; **** our children are blessed; **** our grandchildren are blessed; **** our parents are blessed; **** our siblings are blessed; **** our ministries are blessed; **** our decisions are blessed; **** our friends are blessed. **** Mortgages are paid and debts cancelled; our hearts' desires are on the way; According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives. YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER FORSAKE US! IN JESUS' NAME! AMEN! Say this prayer, and then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW. Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other 'Safety is not the absence of danger, but is the presence of God' A kid asked Jesus... How much do YOU love me? Jesus replied, 'I love you this much.' and He stretched His arms to the cross and died for us. If you believe in God, you will send this to everyone on your list. I like you because of who you are to me. I treat you as a true friend. But if I don't get this back, I get the hint, you don't have time.. Send this to all the people in your list within 30 mins. and something good will happen to you NOW. This is not a fake...apparently...copy and paste this to 15 people in the next 10 min.. And you will have one of the best days of your life tomorrow!!! This e-mail message has been scanned for Viruses and Content and cleared by MailMarshal DISCLAIMER: This Email and its attachment(s) are confidential and intended solely for the use of the addressed individuals or entities. If you have received this email in error please delete it from your system. Please check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.