
It has been brought to my attention that there was an email purpoting that I am stranded in Barcelona. Note that it is fake. I am very fine and in SA. I have not travelled in the month of January. Audit trails show that the chaps hacked into my email from initially from Nigeria and later SA.
I suspect i gave away myself at an internet cafe where i had scanned something which could have aroused their appetite. I use my private email for non work related issues. They first started by enticing me to send them my bank account details BUT it did not work and eventually the hacked into my email. Thanks to Dennis Mulenga and Ronald Hatoongo who alerted me immediately.
I have not lost a single coin but the following are my learnt lessons;
1. Protect your email address on facebook
2. Always use a flash when printing private stuff from an internet cafe (for those whose emplyers consider printing private stuff as abuse but safer from the office if it is allowed)
3. Regularly change your password if you receive scam.
4. Do not keep sensitive material like Bank details on unsecured email networks            
Wilfred Chembeya


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