Dutch Govt – Photos Adedo-Zamucano President Hon. Brown Kapika Representing Adedo-Zamucano 17 Points Agenda (www.adedo-zamucano) to Mr. K.H.D.M. Dijkhoff a Member of the House of Representatives of the State General for Dutch Government at the Dutch House of Parliament on 13/01/2011.
Adedo-Zamucano Government 17 Points Agenda
1. Health Care Adedo-Zamucano Government shall build up hundreds of Hospitals and Clinics throughout Rural and Urban Areas. Medicine – Drugs, Hospitals and Clinics shall be Free of Charge to every Zambian Citizen. No Medical Treatments Abroad for Government Leaders. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall improve Salaries, Conditions and Allowances to all Medical Professionals throughout the Nation. 2. Educational and Skills Development Adedo-Zamucano Government shall introduce Free Education System (FES) from Primary to University Education to every Zambian Citizen. Build-up more Government Educational Institutions from Primary to University levels in both Rural and Urban Regions. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Create and introduce Governement and International Busaries / Scholarships abroad open to every Zambian Citizen willing to study abroad. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall re-introduce the Old Education System from Grade 1 to 7, Form 1 to 6, and therefore, Form 6 will be Compulsory throughout all Secondary Schools. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall give equal Opportunities to all Zambian Childern access to Education. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall improve Salaries, Conditions and Allowances to Educational Professional Workers throughout the Nation. 3. Infrastructure Adedo-Zamucano Government shall immediately, and automatically work on Urgent infrastructure including. Development and Implementation of Public Private Partnership Policy, Public Infrastructure Management, Infrastructure Development Building, Road Infrastructure Development, Airport Infrastructure Development, Rail Infrastructure Development, Water Transport Infrastructure Development, Infrastructure Planning and Monitoring, and Information Management System. 4. Agricultural Industry Adedo-Zamucano Government shall import into Zambia thousands of different Modern Agricultural Machineries and Equipment from Western Europe (Germany & Netherlands), Japan, China to support the Agricultural Sector. This shall be intended to Cut-down Urgent National Unemployment (UNU) level. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall put forward Millions of Funds in order to Grant more Subsidies, and Long-Term Loans (LTL) to Farmers throughout the Nation. Adedo-Zamucano Goverenment shall Adopt Dutch Agricultural System to overcome National Poverty. 5. Mining Industry Adedo-Zamucano Government will Nationalise Other Mining Industries to open Urgently needed Employment to Zambian Citizens. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall import Heavy Duty Machineries / Equipment for processing Minerals and Low Materials to finished Products. 6. Natural Resources Adedo-Zamucano Government. shall implement strict Rules to Protect Natural Resources from being Wasted. Adedo-Zamucano Government will make sure that Illegal Exportation of Natural Resources from Zambia is being Blocked, and Zambian Citizens shall be Annually informed through the Press over National Income from Natural Resources. This shall be intended to remind Zambian Citizens to be more aware about their Funds from their Natural Resources. 7. Land Adedo-Zamucano Government will implement the most Supreme Land Reform (Land Sharing System Database – LSSD) to Zambian Citizens, whereby Women and Men will have equal access to Land. Adedo-Zamucano Government will implement a Policy to restrict the Land Sharing only for Zambian Citizens. 8. Energy Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Cut-down by 50% Electricity Cost throughout the Nation. Adedo-Zamucano Government will re-introduce the Old System of Paying / Settling Electricity Bills and immediately it will Suspend the System of Buying Electricity, to improve Household Budgets. 9. Employment and Labour Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Expand and Create more Government Sectors, with intention to fix in more Activities and Productivities to Promote more Jobs, and a bigger Labour Force. 10. Youth and Child Development Adedo-Zamucano Government shall invest more Funds and Modern Equipment in all sorts of National Sports, Introduce ICT Training to improve Skills, Invent Full and Part-time Jobs through Government. Agencies. This shall Cut-down the Number of Youths and Children living in the Street by 98% . 11. Commerce and Trade Adedo-Zamucano Government shall implement a policy to Cancel Customs and Excise Duties on Import of Machineries and Equipment for the Agricultural, Mining and Industry Sector etc. This shall Cut-down Unemployment level throughout the Nation. 12. Social Protection Adedo-Zamucano Government shall introduce Social Security Benefits (Monthly Income) for Old People over 65 Years of age, and it will build up Home Care Hostels for them (Old People’s Homes). Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Create a Government Database System, which will be Registering some Seriously ill HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Patients to be receiving Food Ration and Other supporting Materials from the Adedo-Zamucano Government. Adedo-Zamucano Government will build up Hundreds of Orphan Homes within all Provinces, and it will be Adedo-Zamucano Government Responsibility and Duty to take Care of Them (Orphan Children) soon after Adoption. Adedo-Zamucano Government will introduce some Certain Monthly Income to Every Household with Unemployed Parents or Carers (this shall be applied to Zambian Citizens only). Adedo-Zamucano Government will implement and improve Pension Reforms to all Civil Servants,and keeping on Observing NGO’s Managements over this Activities. 13. Tourism Industry Adedo-Zamucano Government shall implement a Strong System and Accountability over National Tourism Industry Income, and these Financial Figures from National Tourism Income shall be published annually in Zambian Newspapers. This shall result in openly informing all Zambia Citizens over Tourism Funds. Our Nation will be gaining or earning even after one year. Through this Activity Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Educate every Zambian Citizen to become aware about their National Incomes on Tourism Industry. 14. Jurisdiction Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Reform the Judicial System of Zambia, and it will maintain that No Person including the President in Office shall be above the Law of Zambia. The President in Office shall not be immune from Prosecution. Rules and Laws of Zambia shall apply equally to every human being residing in Zambia. 15. Local Government and Decentralisation Adedo-Zamucano Government will improve Salaries, Allowances and Conditions to Professional Health, Administration and Engineering workers within the Local Government. This shall be intended to prevent them leaving Our Nation to Other Nations. Adedo-Zamucano Government will give instructions on Conditions to all Urban and Rural Councils with immedate effect to re-start building Houses, Offices and Industry Structures within their respective Districts to promote Building Investments and a bigger labour Force within their Local Councils as before, 20 years ago. 16. Zambia Defence Force (ZDF) Adedo-Zamucano Government shall implement a policy to improve the Zambia Defence Force (ZDF): the Zambia Army (Army), Zambia Air Force (ZAF) and the Zambia National Services (ZNS) so that, they can be involved in Exchange Programmes Abroad (EPA) to learn more important skills including, Data Military Technology, ICT, Agricultural Technology and Engineering, Bio-Agricultural and Animal Husbandry etc., to promote future development to the Zambia Economy. Adedo-Zamucano Government shall Improve Salaries, Conditions and Allowances for ZDF Personnel. 17. Ministry of Home Affairs Adedo-Zamucano Government shall improve living Conditions for Zambia Police (ZP), and Prison Personnel: We shall Renovate All Police and Prison Camps throughout the Country, Build more Houses for Police and Prison Personnel, Improve water and Sanitation within Camps, Build more Camps, Automatically to increase Police and Prison Personnel Salaries, Conditions and Allowances, To buy more Vehicles and Trucks for Police and Prisons, Introduce ICT Network between Police Stations, Judicial Department and Prison Centres, which will result in a reduction of Congestion in Prisons.