It's Religious support, come on Roy. Cant you see the subject is Prayer. Do'n you recall receiving the prayer?
From: Roy Nchite <>
Sent: Mon, June 20, 2011 4:39:40 PM
Subject: Re: [cbu-1994-class] Prayer
Hey folks, What's this support to Zaliwe about? Is she related to FTJ?
--- On Mon, 6/20/11, ronald hatoongo <> wrote:
From: ronald hatoongo <> Subject: Re: [cbu-1994-class] Prayer To: Date: Monday, June 20, 2011, 1:51 AM
Hi Wilsy, I was out in Bali, Indonesia for the weekend. Only got to see your mail today. Good if referral is doing fine. Lets speak on the phone when time allows. Zaliwe needs support especially from people like you and me from whom she expects least support. That will boost her zeal.
Best, RSH. From: Wilsy <> To: Sent: Sat, June 18, 2011 1:51:48 AM Subject: Re: [cbu-1994-class] Prayer We muvete, I hope you are settling down well. Good to hear issues of prayer from you but let us leave such issues to Zaliwe for now and concentrate on our specialisations otherwise we are going to bore everyone. Can someone give an update on Joe Kulu please. I do not even know where Chale Chabe is or whether he is alive or not. I last saw him walking out the place with a six pack. After that I was told he was in UTH but recovered after ten years and resuccitated his career. By the way I am receiving exellent service from your referal. Does he down load? Wilfred