Habali zenu all, Sorry folks, this message was meant for Mitti. Stay well. regards Rodgers
--- On Fri, 4/8/11, rodgers siachitema <siachitemar@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: rodgers siachitema <siachitemar@yahoo.com> Subject: mitikellym@yahoo.com To: cbu-business-class-1994@googlegroups.com Date: Friday, April 8, 2011, 2:55 AM
Hi my brother, Hope all is well with you. I am ok down here in Kenya. Wanted to find out who the station manager is at Nakonder border post, just wanted to clarify something with same. regards Rodgers
--- On Thu, 3/24/11, mupishi miti <mitikellym@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: mupishi miti <mitikellym@yahoo.com> Subject: [cbu-1994-class] ....ology To: "cbu-business-class-1994@googlegroups.com"" <cbu-business-class-1994@googlegroups.com>, cbu-business-class-1994@googlegroups.com, """ <cbu-business-class-1994@googlegroups.com> Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 7:11 AM
No one knows it all.........
There was a tourist and a native in Caprivi. They were sailing on the Zambezi river with the Caprivian tour guide. The tourist asked the Caprivian man, do you know psychology, geography, geology and criminology? The black man said no to all the questions. The tourist said; what the hell do you know on this earth? Then suddenly the boat started sinking then the Caprivian guy asked the tourist; do you know swimnology and escapology away from crocodology? The tourist said no I don't. Then the Caprivian guy said, ya today u will drink waterlogy and then you will dieology. 
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